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Sunday, February 6, 2011

I did not die

Don't worry everyone. I did not die.

My surgery went well.

I have amazing talents while totally high.

For example:

My dad apparently thinks I can function normally in my appointed position as Human Dictionary.

He took me to the doctor's office and started to type out an email. He asked me a grammar question right after I had taken oral sedatives.

I stared at him.

He then said, "Oh right. Why am I asking you?"

HOWEVER, my amazing mental capacity was proven later last week.

I couldn't remember my follow up appointment. So I called the doctor's office. They let me know the time and date.

I went to put it in my Blackberry.

Lo and behold: IT WAS ALREADY THERE.

The address, which I can't even remember sober, was there correctly along with the date, time and doctor's name. I typed it in while totally off my rocker.

Moral of the story:

DO MORE DRUGS. I function better that way.

I am joking. Obviously.


Courtney said...

I'm sorry you had to have surgery on your gums! I think we need to get together soon!

Diana said...

I had a similar experience when I had my wisdom teeth out and was hopped up on some srsly excellent nitrous oxide. My was I ever witty and memorable, according to my dentist.

Whit said...

@Courtney Yes, we do need to get together now that i can eat!!!

@diana i'd been to that oral surgeon before. i told him he was awesome because whatever drugs he gave me the first time really worked because i didn't even remember the surgery at all. he told me to come in an hour before and he would monitor my drug use this second time. :) he doesn't think i'm funny.

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