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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yes, the lawn mower is a power tool

It snowed last week.  It's Utah, so you know, it does that a lot here.  But, my parents were out of town in Hawaii (lucky) and I was house-sitting.  By house-siting, I really mean babysitting.  But, when the charges are taller than you, bigger than you and meaner than's a sad thing to admit.  I am the runt of the family.  This is important because it figures into the story later.  Remember, me=runt.

So.  It snowed.  It snowed a lot because Utah weather is a pain in the a and dumps the most snow between January and March.  Right when you're getting sick of crappy weather and snow and ice and freezing cold.  And boots and scarfs and mittens.  It's only cute in December.

The snow came down!  Maddie went out to shovel the driveway and I thought, "well, let's just use the snow blower.  It's like a lawn mower.  How hard can that be?"

Last time I used the lawn mower, I fell down the hill.  I'm not allowed to use the lawn mower.  I'm bad with power tools.  I decide to soldier on. I'm smart. I'm capable.  I can run the snow blower. As soon as I find it. I found it (Maddie found it) and figured out how to start it. Genius! Then I tried to make it go. Uphill. It did not want to go uphill. At all. It didn't want to go left and didn't want to go right. It didn't want to move. My feet, however, did. And so did my grey, thigh high boots. I am a classy lady.

This is how I snow blow.

Maddie tried to join me. We pushed. And slipped. And fell down the drive way. I yelled, 'This is why I'm going to live in a condo!!!!!!"

And my neighbor across the street came out on her porch, laughed at us, took a picture and went inside.

I hate this state.
Snow blowers can suck it, too.


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