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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 3

the lovely stuff

Follow follow me to Charade M.Y.L.A.

"♥ Remember that it is a blessing, not a burden, to be who you are."

Homework: "♥ Gain self-understanding; spend a day with yourself.

Be an observer of all your own actions, whatever you’re doing, even if it is a completely average day. Keep your journal with you and make notes throughout the day. At the end of the day, rationalise ten truly individual and amazing qualities you have noticed about yourself."

Ahh nuts. I looked this one up too late. I'll have to do it tomorrow and write it all down!

As everyone can probably tell, I like talking about myself (well it is MY blog) and I like to be in the center of attention (who doesn't?) BUT, it was surprisingly hard to come up with ten things! Here they are anyways....


1. Despite the fact that I'm like the most anti-social person on the planet...I really do like making friends!
2. I'm good at multi-tasking.
3. I am creative and colorful.
4. I enjoy tackling a project.
5. I LOVE learning!
6. I'm friendly.
7. I make an effort to try my best.
8. I try to put my own "spin" on things.
9. I try to be efficient.
10. I'm generally a positive person...even though I'm realllllly sarcastic. It's all about balance.


Courtney said...

yes whit we shall have to force them to be our friends! can't wait to hang out with you soon!

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